Tracking - collecting data about applications, documents,
web-sites that users run on the workstation. PC Usage Tracking - collecting data about using the PC that includes user names (who uses this PC), applications, documents, web-sites usage. Project Tracking - collecting data about PC usage under projects (by default all data is assigned to the default project). Tracked DataTracked Data - information about user actions that includes classifiers names, applications/documents names and time: how long and when actions were performed.Data, Collected Data = Tracked Data. Time = Tracked Data - sometimes Time is used instead of Data for users convenience. Track Under, Assign To - all data is tracked under certain classifiers (is assigned to certain classifiers). Rollback Data - delete data permanently. When tracking PC usage, Worktime saves all information about executed applications, opened documents, visited web-sites under some User, Project, Activity and Workstation (See WorkTime Terminology - Classifiers). In other words, all information is assigned to a User, Project, Activity and Workstation. If, for example, you don't use activities, then all data is assigned to a default activity. Applications, documents, web-sites lists are created by WorkTime automatically during the tracking process. No need to add applications, documents, web-sites manually. Classifier lists are created manually by a user: WorkTime Terminology - Classifiers. Tracking StatesTracking Started - WorkTime is running and collecting data (WorkTime can run without collecting data).Tracking Stopped - Worktime is running but data is not being collected. Tracking Paused - this is a temporary tracking state when data is being collected with a Paused mark. Tracking Autopaused = Tracking Paused Tracking Autostopped - this is a temporary tracking state when data is not being collected. How WorkTime switches into different Tracking States: Tracking Started - Tracking can be started manually by a user or it can be started automatically on the WorkTime launch (See Main Window, Main Menu, Options - Tracking). Tracking Stopped - Tracking can be stopped manually by a user (See Main Window, Main Menu). Tracking Paused - WorkTime automatically switches to a Paused mode if tracking is started but there is no keyboard or mouse activity for a certain period of time (See Options - Tracking). Depending on the further action all data, collected as Paused, might be rolled back (deleted) or it might be kept. Paused data is deleted if a user does not take any action (no keyboard or mouse activity), after this WorkTime switches to the Autostopped mode and stops tracking until user starts using PC again (until keyboard or mouse activity is indicated). Paused data is kept if there is keyboard or mouse activity indicated, in this case WorkTime switches to a Tracking Started mode and continues tracking without Paused mark. Tracking Autopaused = Tracking Paused Tracking Autostopped - WorkTime automatically switches to an Autostopped mode if tracking is started (or paused) and there is no keyboard or mouse activity for a certain period of time (See Options - Tracking). WorkTime switches back to a Tracking Started mode if there is keyboard/mouse activity indicated. Tracking LevelsAll data is collected depending on the level of tracking:Level 1 - WorkTime collects data about projects, activities, users, workstations usage including start/finish times. Level 2 - WorkTime collects the same data as under Level 1 and also applications, documents usage. Level 3 - WorkTime collects the same data as under Level 2 and also applications, documents start/finish times. See also Options - Tracking, Tracking Levels GeneralTracking Interval - this is period of time that identifies how often WorkTime tracks data (See Options - Tracking).Save to Database - this is period of time that identifies how often WorkTime saves collected data to the database. Day Break - by default Day Break value is equal to Midnight. All tracked data is assigned to a certain date (day). Data tracked between two closest day breaks belongs to the same date. Day Break can be changed to a user defined value (See Options - Tracking). Hidden Mode - this is a mode when WorkTime runs hidden: no windows, sounds, messages (See Hidden Mode, Options - General). See also WorkTime Terminology Overview, WorkTime Terminology - Database, WorkTime Terminology - Classifiers Options - Tracking, Tracking Levels, What is WorkTime, Main Window, Main Menu, Hidden Mode, Options - General |